Your Health & Dental Plan
Your plan totally has you covered!
Whether it is monthly prescriptions, a dreaded trip to the dentist, or new glasses to help you see the Powerpoint; the plan provided by the awesome folks over at We Speak Student has you covered! The best part? You get to pick the plan that works best for you, or stick with the balanced plan that has a little bit of everything

Your Plan Design Options
Balanced Plan
Enhanced Drug &
Vision Plan
Enhanced Dental &
Vision Plan
Enhanced Extended Healthcare & Vision Plan
Read more details below
How to make a Claim
When making a pay-direct drug or dental claim, the pharmacist or dentist will need to know the following plan details:
Your Group/Plan number is: 513980
Your ID/Certificate number is: Y00 followed by your 7-digit student ID #
Your Provider is: ClaimSecure *Stop by your NCSAC Office for your 'Benefits Card' *
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I'm covered?
Although you are registered as a full-time student, you may NOT be covered! Co-op terms and program start dates may affect your coverage. Please contact the Student Benefits Coordinator in your NCSAC office to determine your eligibility. The Health Plan is effective September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025. The effective date for January runs from January 1, 2025 to August 31, 2025. Also, note that the effective date for May runs from May 1, 2025 to August 31, 2025.
How do I make a drug/dental/EHC claim?
All that is required to use the Pay Direct method, is for the student to present their Niagara College student ID card to the pharmacy or dental office. Your student identification card may be used at any participating provider (pharmacist or dentist) across Canada and payment of eligible claims will be honored. To fill a prescription drug or dental claim, you will need to supply the pharmacist/dentist with the following information: • Your Group Number 513980. • Provider: ClaimSecure (formerly RxPlus/Merx Health Corporation). • Your Student ID # Y00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (10 digit alpha numeric number) I.E. If your student ID # is 7 digits, the correct ID # would be Y006543210. At this point you will be required to pay the deductible amount per prescription. Please note the dental office may charge more than the Fee Guide, which will require you to be responsible for any additional costs. For all non-accidental, EHC claims, you must obtain and complete a ClaimSecure claim form from your NCSAC Office or online at wespeakstudent.com and include all written referrals and original receipts. You will submit all information to the address indicated on the claim for reimbursement within 90 days of the incurred claim. When so requested by the Company, the student shall secure any further statements from his or her physician within 90 days of the date of the incurred claim.
How do I use the manual reimbursement system?
Prescription Drug, Dental and EHC and Vision Claim Forms are available at your NCSAC office or on-line at wespeakstudent.com. Complete all sections of the form that apply to your claim and once you sign it you can send it along with your paid receipts directly to ClaimSecure at PO Box 6500 Station A, Sudbury, ON, P3A 5N5. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks, depending on mail service, to receive your reimbursement.
What if I already have my own coverage?
You may decline coverage for the Health and Dental benefits by completing the online opt-out application. The opt-out deadline is September 30, 2024 at 4:00 pm for September start programs or January 31, 2025 at 4:00 pm for January start programs or May 31, 2025 at 4:00 pm for May start programs. Please be aware that these deadline dates will not be extended. You must provide proof of similar coverage elsewhere (ie. as a dependent under your parent’s or spouse’s insurance). Please go to wespeakstudent.com to complete your online opt-out application. Opt out refunds will be credited to the students account no later than November 1, 2024 for fall start students, March 1, 2025 for Winter start students and June 30, 2025 for Spring start students.
Can I submit claims electronically? Can you reimburse my claim using direct deposit?
YES. Once registered, plan members can submit claims electronically if you select direct deposit for claim reimbursements. View personal claims history, obtain details on the reason for particular claim adjustments or rejections, submit coverage queries online – “Ask the Expert”, print individual claims for Co-ordination of Benefits (COB), run consolidated statements for tax purposes, access claim forms and important health information. No application forms to complete, no software. All the plan member has to do is register online by visiting wespeakstudent.com. CLICK on the eProfile for Online Claims Submission tab on the webpage.
Am I covered worldwide?
If you are out of the province or country and you have an accident that requires immediate, necessary medical treatment or you need to obtain a prescription from a qualified physician, you will be required to pay the amount owing at that time yourself and keep all receipts for reimbursement. When you return to the province, you are then required to fill out a manual reimbursement claim form and send it to ClaimSecure (Prescription drug) or Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (Accident claim) with the receipts to receive your money back. Please note that you will be reimbursed according to the benefits set up under your health insurance plan no matter where the accident has occurred or where you obtained the prescription. There is no provision for worldwide coverage for the Dental and EHC benefits as these plans only allow Canadian dentists and practitioners. When travelling outside of Canada, you have coverage administered by AIG out of country coverage, through GLOBAL EXCEL. As this coverage is outside of the standard student health plan benefits, please contact your NCSAC Office on campus for further details on this coverage and pick up your Medical Assistance Card.