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Faculty Bargaining FAQ

This page will act as a hub of information that NCSAC will update as often as possible. 

Given the information in media about a potential strike at Ontario colleges, it is completely understandable that you, as a student, are going to have a lot of questions. Your NCSAC is going to remain fully neutral throughout this process and act as your unbiased source of information. If you have a question that you don't see listed here, please reach out to us through this website's chat or our Facebook or Instagram accounts @YourNCSAC! Of course, you can also stop by our office, too.


Let's hope the two sides reach an agreement and keep our students in class! 


Frequently Asked Questions: 

What Happens if an agreement is not reached by 12:01am on Thursday Jan9?

OPSEU/CAAT-A (Union representing Faculty, Librarians and Counselors) and the College Employer Council (Colleges) will attempt to reach an agreement by midnight on Wednesday, January 8th.

If a full agreement is not reached: the two sides could agree to binding arbitration, in which case classes would continue to operate as normal and the labour negotiations would happen “in the background” not affecting classes.


If no agreement is reached and both sides do not agree to arbitration: then OPSEU/CAAT-A has a few different options regarding labour action:

  • The first and least intrusive type of job action would be “work to rule”.  This means that classes would continue as normal. While it’s not a full strike, OPSEU/CAAT-A members would choose not to grade papers quickly, not take part in any extracurricular activities and disrupt the college system in other ways, while keeping students in the classroom.

  • The most disruptive type of job action would be a full strike, whereby classes are cancelled at all Ontario college institutions until a new agreement is agreed upon or arbitration is agreed to.  In this case, you would see picket lines at most colleges and all classes would be cancelled.

When will students know if there is going to be a labour disruption?
Students likely won’t hear about any potential labour action until the evening of Wednesday, January 8th.  NCSAC encourages you to watch the news and also follow our NCSAC social media channels in order to get the most up to date news.
I want to get more educated about what is happening and stay up to date on the latest information…where do I go?

Students have several options and NCSAC encourages you to follow as many as possible to keep up to date:

NCSAC FAQ and Information: 

  •  Follow along for student-friendly information about what is happening at our Niagara College campuses and how it affects you as Niagara College students. Our FB and IG - @YourNCSAC, and this FAQ.

Niagara College FAQ:

  • Click this link for the most up to date information about any changes to your Niagara College campuses


OPSEU/CAAT - A Updates from college faculty, librarians, and counsellors:

  • Follow or click the links below to get information and updates from the college faculty, librarians, and counsellors 

What is the reason behind the potential faculty strike/job action?

The faculty, librarians and counselors (OPSEU) and College Employer Council (CEC) results from unresolved negotiations between faculty and college management over issues such as pay, job security, and workload. – 

NCSAC respects the right for both parties to negotiate a fair contract and remains neutral in terms of specific bargaining topics and we hope that both parties can reach a mutually beneficial outcome without disrupting our NC students’ educational journey.

If OPSEU/CAAT-A do move to a full strike, how long would a potential strike be expected to last?

It’s difficult to predict the duration, as it depends on the progress of negotiations. Both parties aim to reach a resolution as soon as possible, but there is no set timeline.

How would a potential strike affect my classes?

Classes will be postponed until an agreement is reached.  Students are encouraged to keep up to date with any work assigned prior to any job action and do your best to review any work assigned to Brightspace.

It is important to note that the college system has never lost a semester.

Are students allowed to cross picket lines to use on-campus services if there is a full strike?

Yes, students are permitted to cross picket lines to access on-campus services that are open if there is a strike.  If there is a strike, NCSAC will post documents that will outline where you can enter campus and protocol on how to cross the picket line to get to campus.

Can I still access campus facilities during a strike?

Yes, most campus facilities, such as study areas, enrolment services, IT, and cafeterias, will remain open. However, hours or staffing levels may be affected depending on the strike's scope.  Please check the Niagara College FAQ for up-to-date information:

Bargaining Updates | Niagara College

Will Transit be affected by any type of labour action or strike?
GO buses and Niagara Regional Transit buses will follow the same schedule as usual during any labour action, however, in the event of a full strike, the pickup and drop off locations for buses will change. NCSAC will communicate those locations in the event of a strike.
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